Copying Additional Files With Gradle Application Plugin

When building application distributions for Java apps you often need to bundle default configuration files, other resource, etc. into your application distribution. If you are using Gradle with Gradle Application Plugin for creating the application distribution for your project, you can use following code fragment in your Gradle project to copy addition files.

applicationDistribution.from("src/main/resources/conf") {
    into "conf"

Above code fragment copies content of conf directory into application distributions conf directory located in the root directory of your distribution.


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Practical Bluetooth 4.0 Solutions With Gimbal Proximity Beacons

Qualcomm has made developing BLE based solutions practical and easy with their Gimbal Proximity Beacons. I don’t have experience with other BLE solutions like Estimote except with BLE Shield for Arduino. But Gimbals beacons, SDK and... Continue →