Beyond Singularity

According to Wikipedia

The singularity, is a hypothetical moment in time when artificial intelligence will have progressed to the point of a greater-than-human intelligence, radically changing civilization, and perhaps human nature.

Recent acquisitions by Google, IBMs recent developments related to Watson, and other day to day news such as deep neural networks to implement human like behaviors shows us that we are hardly trying to moving towards singularity.

But in my opinion we should try to integrate (or interface) human brain into computers and find a way to utilize best of both worlds as shown in TV series Intelligence rather than trying to make human like computers. And this way we may not need to fear about machines trying to dominate humans, situations like in Matrix or Terminator. Even though these humans are connected to virtual world they will always be human as long as we figure out correct constraints and balance of the interface between brain and virtual world. We will have unimaginable capabilities.

Human mind is so powerful that it does computation in a way that none of us can imagine and that is the main reason we still couldn’t achieve singularity. I liked to see more than singularity where human minds are connected to each other via digital communications to reduce the barriers to communications via different languages and to go beyond the power of single brain (brain parallel computations).


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